Shinhan Asset Management Launches Next-Gen Battery SOL All-Solid-State & Silicon Anode ETF
Shinhan Asset Management Launches Next-Gen Battery SOL All-Solid-State & Silicon Anode ETF
Shinhan Asset Management has announced the listing of its new SOL All-Solid-State Battery & Silicon Anode ETF on the securities market, aimed at investing in next-generation secondary batteries and key material companies. This ETF is composed of 10 major firms, including Samsung SDI, Daesung Electric Material, and Isu Specialty Chemicals, all of which are involved in all-solid-state battery and silicon anode technology. All-solid-state batteries are gaining attention for their improved safety and energy density compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries, and they are expected to drive the future of the battery industry. In addition, by including silicon anodes, the SOL All-Solid-State Battery & Silicon Anode ETF further enhances energy density and improves charging speed, offering consumers a superior battery usage experience. Silicon anodes maximize the efficiency of all-solid-state batteries, and with the growing demand for next-generation batteries, these technology-based ETFs are likely to provide investors with an attractive portfolio option.
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