Recent Changes in KODEX 200 Target Weekly Covered Call ETF and Overseas Stock Type TR ETFs
Recent Changes in KODEX 200 Target Weekly Covered Call ETF and Overseas Stock Type TR ETFs
Samsung Asset Management's 'KODEX 200 Target Weekly Covered Call' ETF has surpassed 100 billion KRW in net assets, drawing significant attention. As Korea's first target-covered call ETF based on the KOSPI200, it aims for a 15% premium and offers an annual distribution of approximately 17%, with tax-free benefits on capital gains and call option premium income. This presents a stable income source with tax advantages for investors looking for strategic financial growth. The ban on automatic reinvestment in domestically listed overseas stock type TR ETFs necessitates a shift in strategy for investors. Due to tax law amendments, interest and dividend income must be distributed annually, eliminating compound interest benefits. This prompts investors to consider transitioning to dividend-paying alternatives or seek new investment strategies, with some asset management firms planning to switch to quarterly distribution models.
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