Mirae Asset Global Investments Hosts Special Events and Seminars for U.S. ETF Investors
Mirae Asset Global Investments Hosts Special Events and Seminars for U.S. ETF Investors
To usher in 2025, Mirae Asset Global Investments is organizing a series of special events and seminars designed for U.S. ETF investors. This initiative specifically aims to acknowledge the high interest by individual investors in the TIGER US S&P500 and Nasdaq100 ETFs, offering them a chance to win a range of prizes. Participants can look forward to receiving products from prestigious American brands such as MacBook, AirPods, and Disney Plus subscriptions. Concurrently, a live seminar will be held on the 'Smart Tiger' YouTube channel, where experts will discuss the outlook for the U.S. stock market and provide insights on investment strategies. Led by Team Leader Kim Soo-jung, the sessions will delve into overall market trends and effective portfolio reallocation strategies. These events are expected to enhance access to the U.S. markets for individual investors and broaden their informational horizon.
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