Samsung Asset Management to Transition TR-type Overseas ETFs to Distribution Type
Samsung Asset Management to Transition TR-type Overseas ETFs to Distribution Type
Samsung Asset Management has announced plans to transition its TR-type overseas ETFs to a distribution type in response to the 2024 tax law amendments. The ETFs in question include KODEX U.S. S&P500TR and KODEX U.S. Nasdaq100TR, which, upon completion of the transition, will settle and distribute dividend income at least once annually. The company aims to maintain the industry's lowest total expense ratio of 0.0099% while pursuing long-term returns, thus providing investors with a consistent successful investment experience. This initiative is particularly advantageous for long-term pension investors, as the tax law amendments concerning pensions allow investors to proceed under more favorable conditions. Samsung Asset Management is focused on building sustained trust among ETF investors, enhancing its solid position in both domestic and international investment markets. The company's strategic strengthening is evident as it seeks to offer enhanced investment opportunities across diverse markets worldwide while maintaining competitive expense rates.
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Samsung Asset Management Considers Transitioning KODEX TR Type Overseas ETF to Distribution Type - Hans Economy[Hans Economy = Reporter Park Young-sun] Samsung Asset Management announced on the 17th that it plans to transition the existing TR (Total Return) type overseas ETF to a distribution type after July 1, considering the contents of the legislative notice for the '2024 Tax Law Amendment Follow-up Enforcement Decree Revision Plan' announced by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance on the 16th. However, it added that the distribution cycle, etc., will be applied after thorough analysis to ensure that the most beneficial method is applied for investors. The Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced on the 16th through a legislative notice that it will adjust the retention scope of distributions for TR-type overseas ETFs to settle and distribute interest and dividend income at least once a year, and this will take effect from July 1 this year.
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화이트페이퍼1月 18
Samsung Asset Management Considers Switching TR-type Overseas ETFs to Distribution-type after July 1 - White Paper[White Paper = Reporter Go Soo-ah] Samsung Asset Management announced its plan to switch existing TR (Total Return) type overseas ETFs to a distribution-type after July 1, considering the ‘2024 Tax Law Amendment Follow-up Enforcement Decree Amendment’ legislative notice announced by the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the 16th. However, the distribution cycle and related factors will be analyzed and applied in a way that is most beneficial to investors. A Samsung Asset Management representative stated, “The advantage of the TR method is that it reinvests distribution funds into investment products automatically, rather than distributing them as cash to investors.
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