U.S. Energy ETFs Surge, Tax Law Amendments Announced, and High Dividend ETFs in Demand
U.S. Energy ETFs Surge, Tax Law Amendments Announced, and High Dividend ETFs in Demand
U.S. fossil fuel ETFs are experiencing a significant rise ahead of Donald Trump's presidential inauguration, as he is expected to implement policies favoring the fossil fuel industry. This upward trend is also influenced by rising international oil prices, with midstream transportation companies anticipated to gain long-term profits. In a separate development, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance has announced amendments to 21 enforcement ordinances based on tax laws passed last year. These amendments include immediate distribution and taxation of overseas stock-type TR ETF income and extension of R&D tax credits to national strategic technology sectors. The amendments aim to enhance support for strategic technology fields and provide tax benefits to regions with declining populations outside the metropolitan area. Investors in Korea, known as '서학개미', are increasingly purchasing high-dividend overseas ETFs. Notably, funds such as YieldMax's MSTR, COIN, and TSLA option income strategies are gaining attention. These ETFs offer substantial dividends through covered call strategies. However, potential losses could occur if the underlying assets' prices rise, underscoring the need for investment caution.
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